Welcome to the website of vACC Slovakia, the virtual Area Control Centre
providing air traffic control services in the Slovak airspace, on the
international VATSIM network. Everyone can join the VATSIM network who is
determined to learn the essentials of aviation and air traffic control, based on
real-life procedures.
If you are interested in flying, you can find all the
neccessary information to get started in the "Pilots" section of our website.
These include the latest real-world charts, operating procedures and the
available sceneries of Slovak airports for the flight simulator.
If you would
also like to try air traffic controlling, do not hesitate and contact us. You
will be enrolled into a formal training course where you will learn all the
theory and skills you need to start controlling online. For more details check
out the "ATC" section.
We wish you an enjoyable time in our airspace.
The vACC Slovakia Team
Controller Practical Test coming in!
We would like to invite you all to the S2 practical exam of our colleague Daniel Hušák on station Stefanik Tower (LZIB_TWR) in Slovakia,
on the 12th of February, from 18:00z. Every VFR/IFR traffic is more than welcome. Wishing Daniel all the best to obtain the Student S2 rating and become the Tower Controller of the Slovak Republic!
See you in there !
Belgrade – Bratislava Danube Shuttle
Dear pilots, VATAdria and vACC Slovakia invite you to a pleasant flight between Belgrade (LYBE) and Bratislava (LZIB), taking place
on February 15th, from 17 to 20z. Visit two beautiful European capitals on this short flight and enjoy a seamless transition between the Balkans and Central Europe. Return flights are highly recommended, while we kindly ask you to follow the routes listed below:
See you on the scope!
Bratislava - Stansted One-Way
Dear pilots,
vACC Slovakia in collaboration with VATSIM UK and vRYR are announcing an upcoming event: Bratislava - Stansted One Way.
Depart from the largest city and Slovakia's capital - Bratislava (LZIB), and enjoy flying over Central Europe and busy German airspace. This beautiful flight will lead you to one of the six beating aviation hearts of London - London Stansted (EGSS).
You can join this flight on the 22nd of February. There will be a 2-hour pre-departure window from 1600 to 1800z, and arrivals in London Stansted are expected in between 1830 and 2030z.
Winter Time
Why not come to Slovakia to have a good Air Traffic Services for your flight in Bratislava FIR? We guarantee you, we won't let you down, all we can do is help! So come to Bratislava FIR to have some fun!
About Slovak Online Day:
-Starting event from 18:00z to 21:00z every Wednesday
-Full ATC coverage in Slovakia
-Friendly Slovak controllers will take you safely to your destinations
-Airline Partner Sw Virtual https://sw-virtual.eu/
For sceneries and charts, visit http://vacc-slovakia.sk/
See you in there!